“Walk in the footsteps of the of the separatists, sailors ,Settlers and servants as they shop in the streets of Southampton old Town! ”

Southampton and the Mayflower
See Southampton also offers a series of Hidden History walks each weekend which include elements of the story of the Mayflower.
Southampton is steeped in the story of the Mayflower with many important events taking place in the old town that were essential to the success of this great adventure. Discover how William Bradford's original chronicle "Of Plimoth Plantation" ended up in Southampton, hear the story of John Alden and his Southampton roots, see where the settlers, crew and servants worshipped, walk in the footsteps of the "Pilgrims" around the old town and see the buildings and places that would have been familiar to them in late July and early August of 1620.
Discover where John Carver, Christopher Martin, Robert Cushman and John Howland bought the supplies needed for the voyage and the early months in New England. Hear about the tensions and arguments over money and see where the Speedwell was repaired.
Visit the garden of the3rd Earl of Southampton who funded many expeditions to James Town and was a leading player in London Virginia Company. Hear about the astonishing adventures of Hampshire's Stephen Hopkins who sailed on the Mayflower and his links to Shakespeare's Tempest. Stand by the Mayflower memorial and listen to stories of some of the characters who sailed from Southampton on the Mayflower and who are represented on the column. You will be astonished.
Dedicated "Southampton and the Mayflower" walks will take place at 12:15am Saturdays and Sundays starting at The WestGate SO14 2AY
Cost £5, accompanied children under 16 free.
All you need to do is turn up on the day and pay the guide.
A free map of Southampton in 1611 is also included.
Private and Group walks £75 by arrangement!
Contact +44(0)7500330410 (Geoff) or 023 8055 9812 (Godfrey)
for further details and availability.

Combine the Mayflower Walk with a scenic voyage on the Shieldhall on Southampton Water taking the same route as the original travellers!

For more information use the link
For more information on private talks for your function or group, please contact
to discuss your requirements

Tudor House Museum
From 20 June 2020
In the early 17th century, Southampton was a busy maritime port with international links that provided a home for people of many backgrounds
and nationalities. This exhibition will set the scene for the Mayflower departure in 1620, revealing the stories of some of Southampton’s people and businesses from the time.
2 February – 5 July 2020
Part of Southampton Stories, SeaCity Museum To coincide with the City’s Mayflower 400 anniversary programme, this display will explore the nature of commemorations. Incorporated within Southampton Stories, the exhibition will look at how Southampton has commemorated Mayflower over time, including the Mayflower Memorial (1913), the 1920 pageant and 1970 commemorations. In addition, objects, images and archival material will be brought together relating to other commemorations of personal, local and national significance.
Stories from the Shells of Native America
11 July – 23 August 2020
Part of Southampton Stories, SeaCity Museum See a nationally touring exhibition which unites UK partners with Wampanoag artists and educators in the USA. The exhibition is centred on a newly crafted wampum belt made from the sacred shells of quahog clams from the eastern coast of North America. Four historic wampum items from the British Museum’s collections will also be included alongside film footage, information and images. ‘Wampum: Stories from the Shells of Native America’ is led by The Box, Plymouth and supported by Arts Council England.
Shadows and Light
23 October 2020 – 30 January 2021
Southampton City Art Gallery Coinciding with the culmination of Southampton’s Mayflower 400 anniversary programme, this exhibition will bring together works of contemporary art that relate to light as subject matter. Featuring photography, painting, drawing, sculpture and installation, the exhibition will also include works from Southampton’s nationally important fine art collection.